Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

The reality in Life

Kita semua punya pemikiran dan pandangan yang beda.Setiap orang yang ntn film,komedi,drama,atau horor mengartikannya dengan berbeda juga.Contohnya ,kl lu coba survey bbrp joker ke bbrp org ,tdk smua org ketawa..Misal jokes A mungkin lucu bt tono,claudya,cynthia,nobita tapi jokes A itu tdk lucu sama sekali untuk Andi,Tommy,Ason,..dll.

Sama dalam hidup ini kita menghadapi masalah,frustrasi,ataupun keslitan yang luar biasa,bagaimana cara anda menanaagapinya.I am always stretching ,the only limits are only in my thinking. One of my favourite quotation.masalah hari ini tdk bs diselesaikan dgn cara pemikiran yang lama,harus dgn cara yang baru coy..

Misalnya,hari ini gw diteriakin org krn jualan jus buah2an,jualan meja,di tgh jln ad kecelakaan,customer marah" ,dia teriak2 ngmng kotor keq binatang,blank A-Z kluar smua,Sialan2...TTP gw harus sabar,n be a good listener..I have once got knock down,punched right to my eyes,until i stick my face to the wall.Damn,..very hurt men..Coz of that i become more careful with my body,.I have once got accident when i was cycling to the market to buy some food,the car crush my bycycle and all my food fell down to the floor,Luckily i was save because i jumped asap from the bicycle..Trus lu ngerasa gk slh apa" ,mnrut lu n gw,kita ud ngelakuin smua hal yg benar ,tapi ttp aja ada org rese,yg teriakin lu,shout in front of you,deaf your ears for a while fro 10 minutes,.I have once got rejected n got marked by tukang jualan nasi hainam krn minta sambel kbnykan LOL..I learn to negotiate there.maybe i am at level 2,rite now..hosh2..What will you do,if u ust bought a new gadget ,then got thrown by your parent for no reason at all??will u be angry?sad? 

In fact that 's all are oout of our control,i call them an event,i can't control the event that happened to me,coy,but i can control how i choose to act n respond ,n get a Event(10%)+Response(90%)=Outcome(100%) formulae.

By using NLP,you can control your submodalisation,picture n sound in your head,what a very wonderful skill we have.Swoosh...

I always remind my self to smile,no matte what kind of difficulty i have..coz Smile happened in a second,nthe memory  last forever..And is soothes you feelings too..

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