Jumat, 19 Juni 2009


Record the speech from the speaker unless you have photographic memory .

3 starting question

1.What did the speaker did well or badly?

2.How can I apply the good points into my speech

3.How can I avoid making the same mistakes that speaker made?

You will find welcoming ALL speakers even the extremely boring ones coz there always be sth to learn

Believe it,the world is your classroom,speakers are everywhere,reporter,lecturer,classmate,supervisor,trainer,door salesman,etc

Remember to jotdown ur evaluation on a piece of paper,start a journal/blog.u can refer to them in the future.

Speaking secret

1.Evaluate all speakers,Simon cowell style

2.Attract mentor to assist you

3.Be coachable

4.Speak from the heart

5.Lots and Lots of stage time practice it

6.Inside out understanding

You have to have vivid imagination

First, pick a speaker. He or she could be someone whom you respect or
admire a lot. Visualize everything about the speaker in your head. The
looks. The expressions. The body gestures. The voice. The words. The
energy. Everything. And then picture yourself becoming that speaker as
you give your speech. You can also play around by combining traits of
various speakers. As you gain more experience speaking, you will find
yourself creating your own speaking style. And when that happens,

7.Set yourself up to succeed

-start by taking small steps

Yes. Stop trying to speak like Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill.

There is a reason why they are legendary. Instead pick someone your own

caliber first. Say your school lecturer or your favourite speaker! If you can be half as

boring as him or her at your first speech, consider that a big success. Go

out and celebrate! Always give yourself a chance to win, no matter how

small the win is. It is much easier to move forward that way. And in no

time, you will find yourself joining the ranks of highly competent

-find a group of audience that loves you from the start(little puppy,wife,buddy)speak to them

-Start by focusing on your strength

Kalo lu jayus atau lucu,find a way to be a funnier speaker,every speaker is unique.mungkin senyum lu lebai.hehe.it is painless if u focus on your strength

8.Have loads of fun

-fun is the best cure against your arch nemesis:fear

It is like a shiny amour that deflects any worries, doubts and

apprehension that you may have. It blesses you with courage to step out

of your comfort zone and try new things. It grants you freedom to be

creative. It bestows you with immunity against failure.

It gives you permission to laugh at yourself. When fun is in the picture,

nothing will be too daunting for you.

-fun sustains you

When you are having fun, you have essentially open up boundless of pure

energy that pushes you towards success. There is no work involved when

it comes to honing your public speaking skills. It is part of the fun! Any

challenges you faced become part of the game. Instead of mulling over

how tough it is, you find yourself inventing new ways to defeat these

challenges. In fact, the harder the better. Some people call that optimism.

To you, it is all part of the game!

-fun brings out the best in you,treat it like a game and play your heart out.

Having fun also allows you to walk the path of least resistance. As such

your energies are spent exploring new ground and discovering new things

about yourself. You do not care if you succeed or fail. It releases you

from the pressure of having to win. What you are more concerned about

is that you are enjoying every part of it. As long as you are moving

forward with each step that you take, nothing else matters.

Ironically, such attitude creates the most results. Take a look at Dr

Richard Feynman. He won a Nobel prize out of calculating the

relationship between the wobble and the rotation of the plate for fun. His

"play" attitude led him to stumble onto quantum electrodynamics! And

then there was Einstein, Newton and all other famous scientists.

The same happens when you are on stage too! When you are having fun

on stage, it creates instant connection with your audience. Fun is

infectious and your audience cannot help but have fun too.

Here's one way you can start having fun with public speaking - Treat It

Like A Game!

Here's what I want myself to do for my next speech. Set up some winning

criteria i.e. what do i need to do to "win the game". It could come in

the form of "My audience will give me a smiley face sticker at the end of

my speech" or "I will try something new each time I speak". Pull in a few

friends to play the game with you. They could either compete with you or

even play judges. And what's a game without rewards?

Make sure you plan some enticing rewards for yourself. Invite your

friends to pool in some of the prizes too! Increase the stake. And then

focus on winning the game! What's there to lose?

Notice the adrenalin rush?

Notice the excitement building up?

Notice that you aren't even concerned about your fears?

That's what I am talking about. Treat public speaking as a game. Be

spontaneous. Be adventurous. Most importantly, have fun with it!

The next time you have to give a speech, let your hair out and have fun!

Be wild and experiment new things. Even if it flops, you had fun trying

it! I shall go against the usual advices that you hear from speech experts.

Do NOT take your speech (or yourself) too seriously. Treat it as a game

and play your heart out!

"Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child

at play." – Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher (535 - 475 BCE)

Remember the race between the
tortoise and the hare: Slow and steady wins the race! And in no time,
you will see yourself growing phenomenally.

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009



Ada sekelompok orang yang pergi berdarmawisata. Mereka naik bis dan melewati jalan2 pegunungan yang sangat indah: ada danau, ada sungai, ada burung2, ada bunga, ada sapi, ada hijaunya rumput, ada kuningnya padi, dan ada kupu kupu berterbangan. Sayangnya bis itu tertutup semua jendelanya dengan korden kain gelap, sehigga apapun tidak terlihat. Semua orang mengharap bisa sampai tempat tujuan supaya bisa menikmati pemandangan disana. Mereka tidak tahu bahwa hanya dengan membuka kain gorden, mereka bisa menikmati keindahan yang ada sekarang.

Kita tertawa melihat ketololan orang pada parabel diatas, sementara kitapun sering lupa membuka kain korden kehidupan kita. Otak tertuju pada tujuan nanti waktu naik pangkat, dapat uang, atau suksesnya proyek, dan tidak mau membuka mata hati kita dan menikmati bunga, sawah, pelangi, dan kupu2 disekeliling kita. Selamat membuka penutup hati. Salam.

sources,dari tanadi

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

BOOST Your Idea,aha..WOW..

Ada empat kunci penting dalam mebuat karya yang WOW and AHA: Science, Art, Craft dan Soul. Keempatnya harus menjadi satu kesatuan dalam kita berkarya. Karya website, company profile, logo, branding, promosi, design atau apapun dalam kehidupan kita, baru akan sukses, bila kita lakukan dengan campuran yang pas dari empat elemen ini.

Science: Otak kiri kita, haruslah diisi dengan startegi komunikasi yang berlandaskan hasil riset dan pendekatan akademis yang sudah terbukti nyata.

Art: Otak kanan para sammies mendekatkan keilmuan pada nilai kreatifitas seni yang menghasilkan inovasi dalam semua karya.

Craft: Keahlian yang merupakan pengalaman berkarya terbaik yang menjadi sebuah kebiasaan dalam menghasilkan komunikasi yang efektip.

Soul: Jiwa yang mebuahkan karya2 yang menyentuh emosi dan sisi humanisme kita. Jiwalah yang mengikat ketiga elemen lain dalam menghasilkan karya indah yang tepat guna.

sources,Tanadi notes

Sebuah riset menarik menyatakan bahwa anak kecil dan bayi tertawa setiap harinya secara rata-rata sebanyak 300 kali. Tetapi orang dewasa - yang berumur 30, 40, 50 tahun - secara rata-rata hanya tertawa 15 kali sehari. Jadi kita mengalami penurunan dari bayi yang 300 kali menjadi 15 kali sehari dalam perjalan hidup kita. Ada apa dengan kehidupan kita ?

Kalau kita renungkan ternyata ada perubahan menyolok yang berbeda sejak dari masa kanak-kanak kita. Kreativitas dan keberanian berpikir di luar kotak, kebiasaan dan kemauan untuk bergembira, rasa ingin tahu yang besar, selalu mempertanyakan apa saja di dalam hidup kita, perlahan-lahan mulai pudar dalam diri kita. Karena tekanan dan lingkungan dan kebiasaan hidup.

Kita telah kehilangan kemampuan kita untuk hidup sehat karena kita kehilangan kemampuan tertawa. Dan terlalu banyaknya kesedihan, kemurungan, kekecewaan dalam hidup kita.

hal menarik, kalau anda lihat ada 5 orang di ujung sana, yang 4 orang tertawa dan 1 yang menangis, siapa yang akan anda perhatikan ? Ternyata orang yang menangislah yang akan anda perhatikan.

dan telivisi lebih suka mengabarkan tentang penembakan, kebakaran, pembunuhan, dari pada orang yang bergembira, karena kegembiraan tidak mudah dijual. Berita yang menakutkan menyedihkan membawa kita lebih banyak lagi dalam emosi negatip.

riset orang sakit terminal (akan meninggal dalam waktu pendek), dan dari 40 orang, yang 20 setiap hari disuruh menonton Filem dan TV yang lucu2 minimal 2 jam sehari, sedangkan 20 yang lain biasa saja. Semua diberi obat dan terapi yang sama. Hasilnya menakjubkan, mereka yang tertawa setiap hari ternyata hidupnya jauh lebih panjang daripada yang tidak diberi terapi tertawa.

Tertawa juga melepaskan ensim dan hormon yang berguna untuk kesehatan tubuh, menekan hormon2 jelek, dan melatih otot yang berguna untuk kesehatan. Tertawa juga membawa dampak positip pada pergaulan, membuat orang menyukai anda, dan membawa kesan positip pada gurat muka anda.

Maka belajarlah menjadi seperti kanak-kanak lagi. Supaya kita berani untuk tertawa terpingkal-pingkal terhadap hal yang lucu ataupun sedikit lucu saja. Ini akan berguna untuk anda sendiri. Salam Tertawa.

Tanadi Santoso

Tips untuk orang yang ingin menulis sebuah buku

1.Harus banyak tahu tentang subjek yang akan ditulis,harus baca smua buku dan install ke kepala anda,make your personal experience dengan apply whan you had read it.
2.Mendapatkan kredibilitas di bidang nya,contohnya kalo ingin jadi lawyer ,bisa nulis buku ,pasti tentang hukum pasti bisa dapat kepercayaan dari orang tersebut.
3.Passion and interest sangat mempengaruhi
contohnya,anak kecil yang suka main game pangya,g kalo liat dia main,dia thuw main,sambil catat setiap hole,terus kan bahasa korea kan??...banyak item baru gitu,dia coba satu2 ,terus dia tulis di catatan dia,ada 6 tempat,tiap tempat bisa dia tulis 1 lembar bolak balik,terus ada banyak characternya dengan kelebihan yang berbeda,type bola golfnya dgn speed dan streng yg berbeda,cincin,berbagai macam baju,cara main jackpotnya,beh...kalo dia tulis thuw bisa gk abis2 dhe..satu buku bisa kali..
4.Ketika anda membaca buku pasti ,selalu ada cara untuk make it even better writting,WHY NOT YOU??...You can always find a way to make it better,every idea that we have in our head,is of course not original,it might have been subtituted ,combination of something ,so keep fill your brain with a lot of your favourite knowledge..


Kayak kemarin gw kiran dia tdk mw minum ternyata dia malah keluar beli aqua,and lain kali lbh baik g tnya dhe,l mw mnmnya ap and mkn ap??
Seperti crita dr.Akino yang mw main golf,minta mba siapin smuanya ternyata sepatunya lupa di masukin sama pembantunya,karena Si akino itu berasumsi bahwa semua barang nya sudah lengkap di mobilnya,sehingga menyebabkan dia tidak dapat bermain golf walaupun sudah sampai di tempatnya..

Satu lagi ,asumsi gw,kemarin gw kira dia sudah sampai di PJ,ternyata masih di rumah ..Lain kali sblm gw tlpn dulu dhe dia ada dimana,baru g jalan..

lesson 1.Jangan pernah percaya dengan delegasi ,harus selalu di rechek
2.Tidak boleh procrastination harus DO IT NOW,kalo bisa pas bangun pagi ,affirmation 50x ini ,terus prioritasnya apa ??
3.Buat daftar aktivitas terutama untuk aktivitas yang membutuhkan persiapan perlengkapan gitu
4.Mempersiapkan alternatif pekerjaan lain,bila pekerjann lain atau prioritas pertama tidak dapat dilakukan.

Saham itu Bussiness atau judi ?

Umpamanya anda buka 5 stand di 5 mall berbeda,4 stand untung terus ,and tahan donk,kalo ad satu stand yang gk laku pasti anda oper and tutup lha ya..(good bussiness man)

(95% orang main saham)
sekarang anda pegang 5 saham ,anda punya 4 saham untung terus ,tentu saja anda tutup dan anda jual kan??

sekarang saham yang kelima,tiap hari rugi sedikit ,rugi sedikit...rugi lagi,...rugi sedikit lagi..apa yang anda biasa lakukan ??ANda tahan..sebagian lagi malah melakukan averaging down..itu jelas2 pada saat anda rugi ,anda malah menikmati kerugian anda.OLEH KARENA ITU HATI2

main saham bussiness krn ada transaksi jual-beli
bnyk yg menganggap main saham itu bisnis tapi ,cara mainnnya judi

1.averaging down
cth bumi ,harga 8000 anda beli 100lot,trun 7,anda beli lagi 100 lot,krn anda pikir rata2 jadi
7500,jadi kalo bumi naik jadi 7500,anda sudah naik modal...
kt berhenti averaging down saat kita gk ada uang,hati gentar,

casino,da xiao
pasang 1,klh(averaging down)jurus yg sangat dashyat untuk memiskinkan anda dalam stock market
anda cmn menang satu tw...

profesional banyak cut loss di dadanya pas di rontgen tapi sehat walafiat,amatir badannya bersih gak ada cacat tapi pas di rontgen bnyk penyakitnya ,paru2 berlubang dan lain2..kacian..

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

gratitudes for this saturday 6june

1.Thx god for all the people who have put me into difficult situation coz they help me to practice n develop passion
2.Thx to all the people who work at public utility coz they provide water gas n electricity which are very important for us
3.Thx to have join t3b semina,about trading in stock market ,forex,accuray 70-80%
4.Thx to have honda accord
5.Thx to all of my health
6.Thx to have a great example in my life
7.Thx to my parent,sister,n brother
8.Thx to have enough money,to invest in my self
9.Thx to have a wonderful friends
10.Thx to all the personal development program
11.Thx to have stretch my mind everyday
12.Thx to have bb,laptop,
13.Thx to have a private studying room
14.Thx to the internet
15.Thx to FB,BLOGGERS,all the trainers,teacher,iss,cleaning service,thx man..

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009


1.BUKA restauran sao kao yg dari cina
2.buka pabrik konveksi,tentang tulisan gitu
3.BUka sekolah teach student who dont want to study


There are many club in Bali,especially in Legian street
3.Sky garden
5.Engine room

and near kuta beach,
1.DOUBLE 6 ,66 clubs,bungee jumping

i stayed in puri bharmadata,whatever..
i cant forget my room mate,we share and talked about almost everything,
1.God's existence
2.Our value
6.Where to go and where to eat,plan for tml,in our wonderful holiday at bali

Places i go
1.We go to TITILES,i took aphoto with a snake
2dream land
3.Kuta beach
5.NUsa dua,rumah tante craine,damn i have a dream to have a financial freedom and sustain my dream lifestyle forever,buy my dream house,have multiple stream of income,at least 10,through my intellectual property,speaking fee,reailed bussiness,investment,paper asset,advertising company,learning centre,restaurant,have a partnership ,play win2 situation ,because this is where our relationship grow
6.Pasar sukowati
7.Tanah Lot
8.Planet hollywood,gereja
9.Makan bubur